Fiscal Representative

Brace yourselves, compliance is coming
Make sure you have fiscal representation
Any non-resident individual or company resident outside the EU owning property, holding a bank account or with any other commercial activity or interest in Portugal must, by law, appoint a Fiscal Representative registered with the Tax Department.
Non resident taxpayers who earn taxable income in Portugal – rental income for example – are required to appoint a fiscal representative who guarantee’s that the non-resident is compliant with Portugal’s tax obligations.
The fiscal representative is a go between for the individual or company who have the assets and the tax department. The fiscal representative is then jointly responsible, with the individual or company, for any tax calculations related to all of the individual or companies tax obligations – property, bank accounts, cars, income and all tax bills.
The tax authority will only work with/via the fiscal representative regarding, rental income declarations, valuations, IMI tax bills, etc.
We can refer you to a reputable Portuguese fiscal representative which means that any correspondence which is sent from the tax department can be dealt with professionally and correctly.